The Good Neighbor

Both in practice and in word, Jesus notices people who are hurting and tends to their wounds, whether those wounds are physical, spiritual, or emotional.

Read Luke 10:25-37.

For many, this is a familiar story. What we sometimes forget is the scandalous nature of who Jesus uses as the hero of the story. The Jews thought Samaritans were disgusting and worthless, but Jesus insists that God can work even through people like these. Over and over throughout his ministry, Jesus challenges assumptions about who is worthy, about who is righteous, about who is acceptable in the sight of God. Both in practice and in word, Jesus notices people who are hurting and tends to their wounds, whether those wounds are physical, spiritual, or emotional.

Who are the people you might overlook or actively ignore? Who are the people you might view as a lost cause? What might help you to see the God-print in these people and recognize them as your neighbor? What boundaries does this story invite you to cross?

In prayer, ask God to help you set aside your prejudices so that you can expand your understanding of neighbor.


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