Scorched Earth

Think about the landscape of our culture. What areas are desolate and scorched? Where can you see life and new growth?

Read Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28.

In these chapters, the prophet shares his vision of disaster upon disaster. Everything, both natural and manmade, is laid waste. Throughout, his listeners are told that this is their own doing. They have been foolish; they are “skilled in doing evil, but do not know how to good”; they have worshiped idols and hardened their hearts towards God.

Think about the landscape of our culture. What areas are desolate and scorched? Where can you see life and new growth? Which tends to get more of your attention? What, if any, steps are you taking towards bringing beauty from the ashes? In what ways are you partnering with God to restore balance both in nature and in your community, relationships, and health (physical, mental, spiritual)?

Offer a prayer of confession for the ways you have been foolish, taken God’s goodness for granted, or been hard-hearted towards God. Find assurance in the promise found in the next chapter: “Even in those days, I will not make a full end of you” (Jeremiah 5:18).


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