The Messenger

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation.”

Read Isaiah 52:7-10.

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation.” Even though these words were first addressed to people centuries before Jesus’ birth, as we approach Christmas, we can’t help but think of Jesus – the messenger who brings peace, good news, and salvation. Even as he challenged systems that favored the powerful and of injustice and oppression, Jesus did so by peaceful means. He was not violent. He didn’t strike anyone down dead. Instead, he brought life from death. He invited the powerful into conversations that caused them to think and evaluate their position. Did he always change their minds or their hearts? No. But he continued to invite them into his peace, offering forgiveness until his dying breath and even after his resurrection.

In what ways do your words and actions indicate the peace of Christ? In what ways do they bring good news? In what ways do you bring hope to those who are held captive by forces beyond their control or those within themselves?

Today, offer a prayer for all people, that they may have peace in their hearts, their lives, and their homeland.


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