
Paul speaks of the spread of sin from an original, single source: Adam.

Read Romans 5:12-19.

In this passage, Paul speaks of the spread of sin from an original, single source: Adam. It’s true that sin in one area of our life has the potential to infect other aspects. If we’re feeling guilty about something, we may feel bad about ourselves and behave badly towards someone else. We may try to numb those feelings with alcohol or food or social media or television or shopping. We may not focus as we should on our work. We may isolate ourselves and fail to show up for people in the way they need us to.

The good news in this passage is that grace, forgiveness, and goodness, traced back to Jesus, has a tremendous capacity to spread as well. When we are in right relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves, it can infect every aspect of our lives. It can lead to deeper, more meaningful connection with God and others.

Today, commit an intentional act of kindness. Pay attention to the impact it has on your recipient and on how you approach the rest of your day. In prayer, ask for eyes to look for and see opportunities to spread a little grace.


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