None and Done?

When we find great comfort, strength, and joy in our own faith, we cannot imagine life without it.

Read Romans 9:1-5.

Here, Paul laments the fact that some of his fellow Jews have not come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah promised throughout the scriptures. He is so broken-hearted over this that he would offer his own life in exchange for their belief. He wonders how, knowing the history of the relationship of their own people with God, they could not trust God’s promises. Research tells us that the fastest growing religious demographic are the “nones”. These are people who, when asked about their religious affiliation, select “none”. We may wonder how that could possibly be. When we find great comfort, strength, and joy in our own faith, we cannot imagine life without it.

What do you believe is contributing to this trend? How has the church and those individuals who make up the church failed to convince others that faith makes a difference in a person’s life? How have we failed to communicate the gift it is to follow Jesus? How might we change the perception of being viewed as hypocrites to one of being viewed as authentic followers whose values line up with those of the One we follow?

In prayer, ask God to help your life, words, and attitudes be an invitation for others to trust in Jesus themselves.


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