The Path to Freedom

When we are seeking freedom in our lives, we sometimes wonder why God doesn’t make it any easier.

Read Exodus 14:19-31.

This is a story with many layers. The wind blowing over the waters to create a path to freedom bring to mind the opening verses of Genesis, where we hear of the breath of God blowing over the face of the waters. This hints that in delivering Israel from slavery into freedom, God was making a new creation – of creating order from chaos once again. Up to this point, God has been leading the Israelites, but here, God’s role shifts as the angel moves from the front to bringing up the rear – offering protection as the Israelites now take the final, terrifying step towards freedom.

When we are seeking freedom in our lives – whether it is freedom from fear, anxiety, self-doubt, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy habits, materialism, debt, etc. – we sometimes wonder why God doesn’t make it any easier. Could it be that God has led us to this place and now protects us as we take the first, furtive step onto the path to freedom? From what do you need to be delivered? How has God led you to this place and what decisions must you make before you walk between the waves? What tools will you use when you feel overwhelmed and are tempted to turn back?

In prayer, ask God for the wisdom to know what it is that keeps you in chains, for the humility to follow God’s lead, and for the courage to take steps towards freedom.


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