
Who has helped you to see the blessings and the gifts that come out of the struggle?

Read Luke 1:46-55.

In Mary’s song of praise, she sings, “Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed.” I find it interesting that Mary does not sing this song until after she has visited her cousin, Elizabeth, who has experienced a miracle of her own. The time between her initial visit from the angel and her affirmation from Elizabeth must have been very difficult for Mary. How terrifying it must have been to tell her parents and then Joseph of her pregnancy. The news must have been met with skepticism, judgment, disappointment, and maybe even anger. We can only imagine the whispers of the community as gossip spread.

Mary probably felt everything but blessed; yet Elizabeth’s joy and confidence inspires something new in Mary. Elizabeth has an important role in Mary’s perspective on her calling. When you have had difficulties in life, who has played “Elizabeth” for you? Who has helped you to see the blessings and the gifts that come out of the struggle? How might that which you have overcome with the grace of God help you to be an “Elizabeth” for someone? Who is someone that might really need a cheerleader right now?

Today, reach out to someone who is in a difficult place in life and remind them that they are loved and cared for, and yes, even blessed.


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