Knit Together

God has made you wonderfully and purposefully. How will you use that gift?

Read Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18.

What comfort these thoughts must have brought to David. He had confidence that God had been present and active in every moment of his life. The image of being knit together imparts the idea that God has been intentional with us. Our unique qualities, gifts, and skills were given to us on purpose.

Consider a time when you felt you were using your God-given gifts. Maybe your well-timed joke released the tension for someone. Maybe your advice came at just the right moment. Maybe your ability to listen gave someone the sense that they were being heard. Maybe your attention to detail brought much-needed order to the workplace. Maybe your ability to go with the flow helped someone not take themselves too seriously. God has made you wonderfully and purposefully. How will you use that gift?

In prayer, commit yourself to using whatever gifts God has given you to transform the world around you – even if it is in seemingly small ways.


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