Looking Back, Looking Forward

We can call on God in present times of trouble because of what God has done in the past.

Read Psalm 22:23-31.

These verses come at the end of a psalm of lament. The first 21 verses detail suffering and forsakenness, spoken by one who is desperate for deliverance from pain – physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. The question is, if life is so hard, if the psalmist feels forsaken and forgotten, why call on God at all? The answer comes in the verses we read today. We can call on God in present times of trouble because of what God has done in the past. Because God has brought us through difficult times, giving us strength we didn’t know we had, putting just the right people on our path at the right time, we can trust that God will continue to do this. And we can offer praise even in the midst of pain.

If you were to “tell of God’s name” to someone, what would you share? How has God carried you through difficulties in the past? How is God carrying you through even now? Who might need to hear your story?

Offer a prayer of praise for God’s continued presence and care in your life and in the lives of others.


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