Rejoice in God’s Works

In every season, the earth gives thanks for God’s presence and provision.

Read Psalm 104:24-34.

In this psalm of praise, the author gives a litany of the abundance with which God blesses all of creation. In every season, even in the season of death, as mentioned in vs. 29, the earth gives thanks for God’s presence and provision. This psalm reminds us that though humankind holds a special place and responsibility within creation, we must be humble enough to recognize we are not at the center of it.

A failure to appreciate and do what we can to preserve the natural world is a failure to appreciate the One who created it. We must always be mindful of the ways our convenience and consumption upset the balance with which God created our world.

Today, set aside two minutes and see how many things you can name for which you are grateful. Then take three minutes of silence to savor God’s abundant blessing.


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