Rooted and Grounded

Being rooted and grounded in love is an answer to any prayer.

Read Ephesians 3:14-21.

What a gift it is to have someone pray over our lives in this way! Do you have people you pray for regularly? Often, I am praying for a person’s medical issue or about a problem they might be having in a relationship or with grief or anxiety or anger or indecision. Rarely do I pray like Paul does here for the church at Ephesus. It seems to me that being “rooted and grounded in love,” – the love of Christ, that is – would be an answer to almost every prayer, no matter the specific issue.

Today, call or visit someone for whom you have been praying. Consider asking this person to pray for you. Even if they are dealing with something very difficult, they may feel empowered and strengthened by offering you the gift of prayer.

As you go through your day, pay attention to whether your interactions are rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus Christ.


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