Good morning! Here is a devotion for today. I hope it is a blessing. Sharon
In vs. 14, we are encouraged to “wait for the Lord.” It’s an interesting bit of advice from someone who has enemies all around (see vs. 6). When I feel surrounded by troubles like deadlines, the expectations or disappointments of others, fear around the state of the world, health concerns, or financial concerns, the last thing I want to do is wait. I want God to fix it right now. In the high-speed world we have created, we expect every need to be met in an instant.
When have you had to wait for God’s answer to prayer? Looking back, was there any benefit to things unfolding according to God’s timing? To what degree do you agree with the statement, “God’s been on time, in time, every time”?
In prayer, lay before God a situation about which you are feeling impatient.