All of Me

This passage is an invitation to surrender your whole self to God.

Read Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25.

This entire chapter invites us into deep gratitude for the unmerited graciousness of God. When Joshua strikes this covenant with the Hebrew people, he reminds them of who God has been to them and in response, who they are to be in the world. In essence, he tells them they may as well not commit themselves to following the Lord if they are not willing to commit their whole selves.

Sometimes I find it hard to sacrifice certain parts of myself to God. I tend to want to hold on to my self-righteousness or my grudges or the wounds that help me to justify my own bad behavior. I sometimes catch myself worshiping at the altar of my ego or my pride or the opinion of others or my status.

In what ways does God’s unmerited grace help you to live more graciously in your own life? What “idols” compete with your devotion to God? How can you dedicate yourself more fully to worshiping God?

Offer a prayer of confession for those thoughts and practices that keep you from surrendering yourself fully to God and find assurance in the promise of another chance.


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