All or Nothing

How can we better recognize and find satisfaction when God gives us what we need?

Read Exodus 33:12-23.

In this conversation, Moses tries to bargain with God. He is afraid to strike out into the wilderness without assurance of God’s presence, protection, and provision. First, he convinces God to go with them, even though in previous verses, God had said that an angel would accompany them. Next, Moses asks to see God’s face. This is a step too far for God, who instead, allow Moses to see God’s back.

It may not have been all that Moses asked for, but it was enough. This gave Moses the courage he needed to lead the Hebrews from Horeb. Sometimes, I have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to prayer. How can we better recognize and find satisfaction when God gives us what we need? How can we use answered prayers to empower us as followers of Jesus?

Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for answered prayers and for God’s understanding of what is enough.


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