On Feeling Competitive
How does ego, pride, and insecurity figure into the kingdom of God?
How does ego, pride, and insecurity figure into the kingdom of God?
In this reading, we find the hallmarks of a grace-filled community of faith: prayer, confession, healing, and restoration.
All of us are called to make small sacrifices for the well-being of the people around us.
The disciples’ inability to grasp Jesus’ teaching is almost comical.
It takes work and commitment to slow down long enough to consider the source and the motivation of what we say and do.
The scriptures are meant to be life-giving and nurturing.
Maybe it is because this woman takes time to rest in God and to recharge her spirit that she accomplishes so much.
“If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."
How intentional are you about the words you choose to speak or write?