All of Me
This passage is an invitation to surrender your whole self to God.
This passage is an invitation to surrender your whole self to God.
In burying his talent, the third servant has embraced an attitude of scarcity and fear and in essence, has buried himself.
How can we, as individuals and as a faith community, affirm the worth and belonging of those who may feel otherwise?
From the depths of despair, the psalmist recognizes that there is nowhere to turn for mercy but to God.
The book of Judges tells the story of the Hebrew people while they are living in Canaan and before they are appointed a series of kings.
Jesus' teaching invites us to reconsider what is truly valuable in this life.
When have you found that your example and your words aren’t necessarily in synch?
When has God delivered you to the other side of a difficult time?
Facing the unknown can be very frightening, but it must begin with that first step.
We express our love for God in the way we love our neighbor and we can’t love our neighbor if we do not love ourselves.