Water from a Rock
Blaming others is such a common reaction when basic needs are not being met.
Blaming others is such a common reaction when basic needs are not being met.
We must remember that Jesus is talking about a different world – a different kingdom – the kingdom of God.
The suffering Paul and many of his contemporaries did for Christ was real.
Every covenant throughout the biblical story has two parts: “I will be your God and you will be my people.”
When you are resting or when you are with family and friends, how often do you consider it a time to draw you closer to God?
Jesus is calling on us to show the same generous spirit of forgiveness that God has lavished upon us.
When I am judging others, it usually comes back to either my own insecurity or my failure – my failure to listen, my failure to learn, or my failure to love.
Music has an ability to connect important themes or moments to our soul.
When we are seeking freedom in our lives, we sometimes wonder why God doesn’t make it any easier.
Here, Jesus gives a step-by-step approach to resolving conflict.