Looking Up
Even when things seemed to be past the point of no return, Abraham was still looking up, still looking for God to rescue him from the unimaginable.
Even when things seemed to be past the point of no return, Abraham was still looking up, still looking for God to rescue him from the unimaginable.
What thoughts, attitudes, and positions in your heart and mind could use a little dose of light?
Dying to our old selves and being raised in the life of Christ means we are no longer the same people we were.
“Teach me your way,” is not my natural response to difficulties in life.
Hagar cries out in desperation as her son slowly dies, but the Lord hears her cries and saves them both.
In this story, we get a glimpse of how Jesus understands his mission and ministry up to this point.
What would it look like to be more Christlike in the way you love God and neighbor?
Because the Lord is gracious, righteous, and merciful, our souls can rest easily even as we acknowledge our worries and fears.
It’s no wonder Sarah laughs when she hears the promise that she will bear a child.
Jesus shows us that extending welcome, healing, and hope are the benchmarks of faithfulness.