Straight to the Heart
You can not go so far off the path of righteousness that God can’t forgive you, heal you, and make you whole.
You can not go so far off the path of righteousness that God can’t forgive you, heal you, and make you whole.
Like the other disciples, Thomas doesn’t come to the fullest faith until he has his own experience.
What relationships, experiences, and practices revive your heart and make your soul lively and vigorous?
The theme of abundant life is repeated throughout the psalms as a reminder that true life comes from God alone.
Much of human strife and division comes as a response to the question of what is right.
As he is questioned, Jesus remains calm and committed to his mission, not striking back, not demeaning or belittling, not threatening.
Paul highlights humility as central to who Jesus was and is.
The 31st Psalm is a psalm of lament in which an individual cries out to God during great despair.
To what degree do you spend some time each morning listening for what God might be speaking to your heart?
After Judas went to the chief priests and took the money, he had plenty of time to change his mind. He could have taken the money back and refused to give Jesus up.