Question of Identity
In many ways, the temptations we face deal with identity.
In many ways, the temptations we face deal with identity.
Paul speaks of the spread of sin from an original, single source: Adam.
Trying to hide our sin from God, from others, and from ourselves can be debilitating.
To what degree does the pattern of your own sin follow this one: temptation, reasoning with yourself, denying accountability or trying to justify your choice, and then suffering the consequence of your actions?
This service of repentance and contemplation will be held in the sanctuary on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 5:30 p.m.
What have been some of the most powerful experiences that have filled you with an overwhelming sense of praise and worship?
When Jesus comes again, what do you hope he catches you doing?
This psalm places God in a kingly role far and above earthly kings, powerful over all earthly rulers.
When you have something ahead of you that brings feelings of uncertainty or maybe even fear, how do you prepare?
Jesus challenges his followers to go deeper into the scriptures than what we read at the surface.