Justice, Kindness, Humility
To live according to God’s will, the expectation is simple: to work towards a just and equitable world; to be kind in the way that God is kind to them; and trade pride and ego for humility.
To live according to God’s will, the expectation is simple: to work towards a just and equitable world; to be kind in the way that God is kind to them; and trade pride and ego for humility.
Jesus met people where they were, going about their daily lives, and called them to follow.
The issue of authority often underlies the divisions within our own churches.
The psalmist imagines God’s protection as a tent set high upon a rock.
Using the prophet as a light-bearer is a powerful image because we all know what it’s like to be in the dark.
How willing are you to invite Jesus to “come and see” every part of yourself?
While individual members do not have every spiritual gift, collectively, the whole body does.
Here, the psalmist affirms the positive outcome of waiting patiently for God to act in redemptive ways.
In what ways is your life a sign for others, pointing the way to Christ?