The entire story of God and God’s people is one of a covenantal relationship: “I will be your God and you will be my people.”
The entire story of God and God’s people is one of a covenantal relationship: “I will be your God and you will be my people.”
What if, like that one leper, we had complete faith in what Jesus could do?
Our wrangling might be a stumbling block, preventing someone from taking that first step in their journey of faith.
Here, God is speaking through the prophet Jeremiah to the Hebrews who have been carried off into exile by their Babylonian captors.
The disciples understand that to live the way of Christ takes much faith—and not just agreement to a certain set of principles, but to do the hard work of discipleship.
Paul urges Timothy to “guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.”
Sometimes when things are especially difficult, we find it hard to express joy, let alone be thankful.
The book of Lamentations is written as a musical and poetic expression of grief.
It would seem that the rich man has been infected with pride and ego, sins that continue even after his death.