These verses have less to do with the evil of money and are more about being content with what you have.
These verses have less to do with the evil of money and are more about being content with what you have.
This reading gives us helpful advice for those times when we are feeling overwhelming fear, anxiety, or despair.
Obedient to the word of God, Jeremiah buys land in the presence of many witnesses.
This parable invites us to consider our relationship with wealth and how we use it.
Here, Paul is advising the community of faith to pray for their leaders.
How long will we have to pay for the mistakes of past generations?
Jeremiah warns Israel that the direction they are headed as a people is a sure path to destruction.
In these two parables, we read of the foolish, reckless lengths one would go to find something that was lost.
Only the wisdom of God would look at someone like Paul and see a vessel for the gospel.
The psalmist pictures God searching for someone who is a wise seeker of God, only to be disappointed. “There is no one who does good, no not one.”