Subversive Resistance
If you’ve ever wondered what Jesus expects of his followers, read these verses.
If you’ve ever wondered what Jesus expects of his followers, read these verses.
In this passage, we are reminded that everlasting life is beyond anything our human minds can imagine.
Rather than feeling envious of those who seem to have been rewarded for acting badly, celebrate that God delights in who you are.
Hindsight often has a way of helping us to gain a new perspective on situations.
Jesus is concerned with the lived experiences of the people to whom he is speaking.
What Paul is saying in this passage is that resurrection is real and it matters.
Regular meditation on the scriptures is like sinking our roots into that which gives life and helps us to flourish.
The question is whether the people we trust turn our hearts towards or away from God.
In this story, Jesus shows up in what must have been a very discouraging time for these fishermen—a time when their labors had not borne fruit.
Paul’s words are a beautiful reminder of the path the Gospel message has taken to finally arrive at your door.