Be Present
We should be present to each moment, living as if this were the day that the kingdom of God would come in its fullest expression.
Abounding in Love
Among other things, Paul is thankful for the gift of the church.
Clean Slate
The hope found in this psalm is that our past sins do not define us.
Righteous Branch
In a world that might seem like it is in ruins, God promises new life.
Kingdoms and Truth
In this discourse between Pilate and Jesus, we have a contrast between earthly kingdoms and the kingdom the Jesus taught and lived.
A New Turn
Could it be that the devastation, strife, and chaos that seem to be the hallmarks of these days are actually signs that the world is turning towards a new age of Jesus’ reign – one characterized by justice, equity, and peace?
Places of Worship
Unified as a nation, David sought to secure a “proper home” for God, a destination for pilgrims from many different places.
Birth Pangs
Could it be that everything we are suffering through today is leading to something new that God is birthing?