Provoked to Love
If we practice our faith in isolation, there is no one to call attention to our growth, to encourage us in our discipleship, or to challenge us to be more loving and kind.
If we practice our faith in isolation, there is no one to call attention to our growth, to encourage us in our discipleship, or to challenge us to be more loving and kind.
This psalm is a call to praise the name of the Lord from sunrise to sunset, from this moment into eternity.
To Hannah, her only hope for a better future was to have a child. In desperation, she bargains with God.
Jesus contrasts the scribes, who make a good show of their faith, with the widow, who quietly gives what she can.
If you feel like this reading is very similar to the Hebrews reading from last week, you’re right. The author of Hebrews seems bent on saying the same thing a hundred different ways. Jesus, in offering himself as the perfect sacrifice for all of humankind, freed us from the power of sin and freed us for living more fully into our identity as children of God.
Leadership Council will meet this Sunday, Nov. 7th, following worship.
After suffering the loss of her husband and sons, after enduring the journey home and the struggle of securing basic sustenance, Naomi holds her consolation – her redemption – her reason for hope – against her breast.
In our current cultural climate, civil discourse might well be found on the endangered species list.
By the shedding of Jesus' blood, we are cleansed of the ‘dead works’ and freed to worship the living God.