Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
Blind Faith
Bartimaeus had a vision for what his life could be if only Jesus would show him mercy.
On Prayer
Even now, Jesus continues to intercede on our behalf, offering the prayers we don’t realize we need and aligning our prayers with the will of God.
Continual Praise
To continually praise God means we view all of life through the lens of God’s care, provision, and presence.
Seeing Clearly
Now Job sees that living a life of faith isn’t about putting on a good show for the people around him.
True Greatness
True greatness comes in modeling our lives on the One who showed us what servant leadership looks like.
On the Sins of Others
We all struggle with dealing gently when it comes to the wrongdoing of others.
Celebration of Creation
This psalm is a celebration of God’s creativity and wisdom in ordering a universe in which all things are connected.