
Few of us are called into situations like Esther’s, where we participate in a great act of heroism, but all of us are called to make small sacrifices throughout our days for the well-being of the people around us.

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We live in a world of instant- and self-gratification. It takes work and commitment to slow down long enough to consider the source and the motivation of what we say and do.

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Day and Night

The scriptures are meant to be life-giving. They are meant to nurture so that those who are listening develop deep roots in the love of God and bear fruit for the nourishment of the world and the people around them.

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Read Proverbs 31:10-31. This is an ode of praise for an idyllic, imaginary woman who sets a very high bar. She is trustworthy, hard-working, capably attends to tasks at home,…

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