Big Worship

While I appreciate the value of quiet, contemplative worship, there is a place for “big” worship too.

Read Psalm 150.

The worship the psalmist describes is different from what we often experience in our church. We tend to be fairly reserved in the way we sing and pray. Here, we are encouraged to sing and shout our praise loudly, to incorporate loud, brassy instruments, to turn up the volume, so to speak. While I appreciate the value of quiet, contemplative worship, there is a place for “big” worship too. Whether it’s an organ with all the stops open, a full choir with an orchestral accompaniment, or a Christian rock band, the sound of praise vibrates all the way to the core of our being.

Which style of worship speaks to your spirit? How might each be experienced in a powerful way – even the one you might not appreciate as much?

Today, find a favorite hymn or song of praise and listen to it louder than you normally would. Feel free to sing along at the top of your voice!


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