Bold Steps

Facing the unknown can be very frightening, but it must begin with that first step.

Read Joshua 3:7-17.

In this transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua, we find the Hebrews prepared to cross the Jordan into the promised land, knowing they will meet resistance on the other side. Facing the unknown can be very frightening, but it must begin with that first step. In this case, it took gathering a group of trustworthy companions, getting their feet wet, and trusting that God would make a way through, just as God had when they left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea.

Can you think of a time when you had to take a bold step into something new? What made that difficult or frightening? What gave you the courage to take the first step? Who did you look to for support in stepping into something new?

In prayer, consider something new God might be calling you into and ask for the courage to take the first step.


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