Burying the Gift

In burying his talent, the third servant has embraced an attitude of scarcity and fear and in essence, has buried himself.

Read Matthew 25:14-30.

In his commentary on this passage, Dirk Lange suggests that this passage should not necessarily be used as a plug for good financial practices. Instead, we can understand the talents as God’s invitation into the abundance and extravagance of God’s grace. It is offered to all and each has the choice of what they will do with it. In burying his talent, the third servant has embraced an attitude of scarcity and fear and in essence, has buried himself. He has condemned himself to a place – to a life – that is full of darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Out of great abundance, the Master invites us into participating in his joy, in his peace, and in his mercy. How willing are we to invest joy, peace, and mercy in the people and the situations around us? What might be the return on our investment?

Today, invest the grace that has been given to you out of God’s abundant love and celebrate the outflow of the Master’s joy.


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