
It would not be an easy journey, but Abram trusted in the promise.

Read Genesis 12:1-4a.

In the verses leading up to the story of Abram’s call, we have a record of Abram’s genealogy. There is no indication why, in this family’s long history, God chose Abram to receive this covenant of blessing. It is almost as if this promise of God reaches back through history and forward through the ages, as, in Abram, “all the families of the earth shall be blessed (vs. 3)”.

Where Abram’s father had stopped partway through the journey to Canaan (Gen. 11:31-32), God called Abram to complete it. Abram was to leave his home and his kindred and set out for the land of blessing. And the promise? “I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing.” It would not be an easy journey, but Abram trusted in the promise.

Have you ever felt called to take a big step in faith? What sacrifices did that step mean for you and the people you loved? What promises did the opportunity hold? What reservations did you have? What was the outcome?

In prayer, consider how God might be calling you into the unknown.


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