
Maybe they don’t want to understand the message about a messiah who suffers and dies, or maybe they don’t want to seem ignorant.

Read Mark 9:30-37.

In the Gospel of Mark, the disciples’ inability to grasp Jesus’ teaching is almost comical. In v. 32, we read that they don’t understand, but are afraid to ask questions. Maybe they don’t want to understand the message about a messiah who suffers and dies, or maybe they don’t want to seem ignorant. Can you think of a time when you didn’t understand something from the scriptures or within the church, but were afraid to ask someone about it? What kept you from asking? Did you find answers elsewhere or did you just let it go? Have you ever found, upon learning more, that you had completely missed the point or been way off the mark? If so, how did you respond? Today, think of a question you have been wondering about – it might be about scripture, about something in the church, or about something completely unrelated to your spiritual life. In prayer, commit yourself to asking someone for clarity and ask the Spirit for an openness to learning.


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