Reach in
Activities and practices we do within the congregation that affirm who we are, whose we are, and equip us to enact that identity beyond the walls of the church building.
Adult sunday school
Sundays 10:00am
Enjoy lively, thought-provoking discussion of the scriptures and the practical application of the Christian faith in daily life. We meet in the Fellowship Hall downstairs.
Women's Fellowship
4th tuesdays 9:00am
We meet in the banquet room at Drover’s Restaurant in Brush. Enjoy a made-to-order breakfast, great conversation, and programs that are both entertaining and informative.
Soup supper
3rd wednesdays 5:30pm (OCT-APR)
Join us for a warm meal! A free-will offering is taken to offset the cost, but all are welcome, regardless of their ability to contribute. Held in the Fellowship Hall.
Adult Studies
Thursday EVENINGS (Seasonal)
Studies include books written by authors like Adam Hamilton, Mike Slaughter, and Barbara Brown Taylor. Check Facebook our or Updates page for upcoming programs!
Leadership council
3rd sundays after service
This is the decision-making body of the local church.
Reach out
Transformational acts of service and witness, compassion and generosity addressing local and global need, springing from a sense of gratitude for God’s continued presence in our lives and in the world.
Community cupboard
Thursdays 10AM - 1PM
Volunteers welcome! Community Cupboard partners with Food Bank of the Rockies and operates by curbside delivery in the north church parking lot.
Change for Children
Sundays during worship
A special offering taken on the third Sunday of each month during worship. Monies collected are used to purchase gifts for local children at Christmas time.
Mozart Adevu
Missionary sponsor