Fish Story

In this story, Jesus shows up in what must have been a very discouraging time for these fishermen—a time when their labors had not borne fruit.

Read Luke 5:1-11.

In this story, Jesus shows up in what must have been a very discouraging time for these fishermen—a time when their labors had not borne fruit. That is one of the great gifts of being part of a community. We have the opportunity of showing up for each other.

Have you had times in your life when it seemed all your best efforts were fruitless? Who were the people who showed up and spoke an encouraging word or helped you to keep things in perspective? If you were able to move beyond those feelings, either on your own with God’s help or through the words of a friend, how did you do it? What thoughts and words were helpful?

Think of a situation that might seem hopeless. How might Jesus be calling you to drop your net and let him work his power? In prayer, surrender that situation to Jesus.


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