Heroic Sacrifice

All of us are called to make small sacrifices for the well-being of the people around us.

Read Esther 7:1-10; 9:20-22.

In chapter 7, we read of Esther’s plot to save the Jewish people from being wiped out at the command of Haman. In chapter 9, we read of the establishment of Purim, a festival celebrating God’s saving work in this story. Having been chosen by the king, Queen Esther had it made. Only those closest to her knew that she, herself, was a Jew. She could have refused to risk her own safety and well-being. Instead, her compassion compelled her to trust God to use her position and her gifts of wit and ingenuity to enact salvation for hers and God’s own people.

Few of us are called into situations like Esther’s, where we participate in a great act of heroism, but all of us are called to make small sacrifices throughout our days for the well-being of the people around us. Who, in your life, has made sacrifices for your safety and well-being? What was the price of their sacrifice? In what ways do you celebrate or commemorate what this person has done for you?

Today, if possible, write a note or make a phone call to say thank you. In prayer, thank God for those who have been a blessing in your life. Ask for the compassion, the courage, and the willingness to be that person for someone else.


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