
Hindsight often has a way of helping us to gain a new perspective on situations.

Read Genesis 45:3-11, 15.

What Joseph’s brothers had done to him was unthinkable. To forgive them would be almost impossible for most people. I cannot imagine Joseph’s feelings of astonishment that the people who were supposed to love and protect had betrayed him in such a way. But hindsight often has a way of helping us to gain a new perspective on situations.

In this case, Joseph becomes aware that the survival of his family depends on him. He can see that if he hadn’t been sold into slavery, he never would have been in a position to provide the food and the safe harbor his family would need during the famine. Because of the good that has come from what seemed to be a terrible situation and because he can see the remorse of at least some of his brothers, Joseph forgives them.

Are you holding any bitterness towards God, another person, or a situation? What makes it hard to let it go? How might you view what has happened through the lens of faith? What good has come or could come out of it? Take it to God in prayer, over and over again if necessary, until you begin to see the beauty among the ashes.


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