I Once Was Blind

After this man miraculously gained sight, it appears no one celebrated his healing.

Read John 9:1-41.

This dramatic healing story where a man blind since birth receives sight symbolizes conversion to Jesus and the divisions new spiritual sight can cause. After this man miraculously gained sight, it appears no one celebrated his healing. The disciples wanted to cast blame for his blindness. The family and neighbors were afraid to testify to the good work of Jesus, for fear of judgement and ridicule. Finally, the Pharisees couldn’t get past the breaking of social norms that keep a structure of insiders and outsiders intact.

For many reasons, we don’t want to recognize the mighty work God is doing in people, as well. We justify our tempered excitement for people by saying, “I know him. This won’t last”, or, “The church she is attending is too radical.” We can make all kinds of excuses why God can’t be working in someone, including ourselves.

Regardless of your situation, how can you let your gratitude for God’s work be as full as it should be? How can you reflect that gratitude for God’s great works?

In your prayer today, ask God to help you see God’s good works in yourself and in your neighbor.


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