Into God’s Hands

Where, in your life, are you suffering?

Read Psalm 22:1-15.

Jesus, on the cross, echoed this psalm of despair. He had been brutally beaten, mocked, and abandoned by most of those closest to him. Yet his last words revealed his trust in God’s care. “Into your hands I commend my spirit.” In this reading, the psalmist calls out from the depths of suffering, but even in the midst of that, expresses trust in the One who knows and protects even before birth.

Where, in your life, are you suffering? Are you feeling lonely? Afraid? In pain? Angry? Hopeless? What signs can you see that, even in your suffering, God is still at work in your life, offering comfort or protection?

In prayer, lift your complaints to God and trust that God is grieving the difficulties right alongside you, offering glimpses of light in your darkness.


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