Language of Hope

There are no prerequisites for receiving the Gospel.

Read Acts 2:1-21.

As soon as the disciples were anointed by the Holy Spirit, they could no longer keep to themselves in the upper room. They went out into the crowded city and shared the Good News with people from near and far in their own, native languages. One thing this tells us is that there are no prerequisites for receiving the Gospel. No one had to learn Hebrew or Aramaic before they were deemed worthy of the message of redemption through God’s grace.

What conscious or subconscious prerequisites do you place upon people before you are willing to share your story with them or offer care to them or find compassion for them? What “languages” do you need to learn to better share the Good News of Jesus Christ? Is it the language of younger or older generations, the language of hope for someone who feels hopeless, the language of assurance for someone who is anxious or fearful, the language of presence for someone who feels lonely or isolated, the language of silence for someone who longs to be heard?

In prayer, open yourself to the breath of God, allowing the Spirit to infuse you with a determination to see the image of God in every person, every creature, every part of creation.


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