Lord, Have Mercy

From the depths of despair, the psalmist recognizes that there is nowhere to turn for mercy but to God.

Read Psalm 123.

This is a psalm of trust. From the depths of despair, the psalmist recognizes that there is nowhere to turn for mercy but to God. Sometimes when we are in a tough place, we turn towards unhealthy habits or relationships for relief because God doesn’t act quickly enough for our taste or in the way we imagine God should act.

When you feel you are the object of contempt or scorn, do you tend to strike back or do you turn your eyes to God, waiting for God to reach out in mercy? Despite the words of desperation in these brief verses, there is also a sense of calm, of patience, of sure and certain hope that God will act on behalf of God’s beloved.

Think of a situation you or someone you love may be in that leaves you feeling a bit desperate. Imagine lifting your eyes to God, releasing this situation to God’s care, and trusting God with it. Now take a breath and wait.


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