Out of the Depths

This is a psalm of lament.

Read Psalm 130.

This is a psalm of lament. The psalmist cries from the depths of despair, “Listen to me, Lord! Don’t ignore my suffering! How long must I wait for your answer?” Yet, even in that moment, the psalmist finds hope that God, indeed, is listening and is redeeming this seemingly hopeless situation.

There are many things in our lives and in the world that we wonder, “How long is this going to go on?” We may wonder how God could possibly redeem this time when we cannot seem to listen to one another, when we vilify and dehumanize those with whom we disagree, when we continue to find ways to separate ourselves, when no matter how connected we are through technology, we feel lonelier than ever. In times like these, we are called to look a little harder for God’s redemptive work.

How could God be using this time to remind us of our need for God and for each other? What lessons can be learned in difficulties and how easily do we forget those lessons?

Today, think about a specific difficulty in your life or in the world and read this psalm as a prayer of where you see signs that God is already redeeming this situation.


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