Out of the Depths

Often, sin feels like a dark hole, a pit, a void.

Read Psalm 130.

In lectionary year B, this psalm comes up twice in 6 weeks, so if you feel like you’ve read this one recently, you’re right. Maybe those who developed the cycle of suggested readings thought this was important enough to include twice. Rather than rehashing, here’s what I wrote in June: The depths from which these cries come are created by the psalmist’s sin. Often, that is what sin feels like – a dark hole, a pit, a void. Still, there is hope. There is a Lord who hears our cries, whose love is steadfast, and who has the power to redeem.

Is there a place in your life that feels especially hopeless? What are you waiting and watching for the Lord to do in this situation? Repentance involves turning from destructive ways and back towards the life-giving ways of God. From what do you need to repent? Does an assurance of forgiveness make repentance any easier?

Today, offer a prayer of confession and find assurance in the promise of steadfast love and forgiveness.


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