Plotting Destruction

This psalmist is someone who has been trampled on and ruined by those who seek wealth and power at any cost.

Read Psalm 52.

These are the words of one who is the victim of the practices we read about yesterday in Amos. This is the person who has been trampled on and ruined by those who seek wealth and power at any cost. This is the person who has been cheated and taken advantage of by those who “love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth.”

And yet, the psalmist holds on to hope that somehow, some way, God will set things right once again. They will know growth and vitality like a green olive tree. They will sink their roots deeply into the rich soil of God’s steadfast love and mercy. There they will find life.

In terms of your spiritual life, where are you seeing growth and vitality? What practices are nourishing and nurturing that growth? Are you withering in places? How are you tending to those places that seem dry or may even feel like they’re dead?

Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the ways God’s love brings light, nourishment, and growth to your spirit.


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