Return to Your Rest

Because the Lord is gracious, righteous, and merciful, our souls can rest easily even as we acknowledge our worries and fears.

Read Psalm 116.

In verse 7 we read, “Return, O my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.” Many of us thrive on worry and stress. We may be anxious about any number of things: our health, our family, our relationships, our work, our finances, and the list goes on and on. When we encounter someone who seems calm, peaceful, and positive, we may believe them to be naïve or willfully blind to reality.

Yet the psalmist understands that, because the Lord is gracious, righteous, and merciful, our souls can rest easily even as we acknowledge our worries and fears. Peace can be found even in the middle of the storm. Even when we are “greatly afflicted” (vs. 10), we can walk in the land of the living (vs. 9).

What worries or anxieties are currently making it difficult for your soul to find its rest? What practices help you find your center in God’s peace, especially during trying times?

Today, make a breath prayer. Sit quietly with your eyes closed, breathing deeply and steadily for a few moments. Once you have become focused on your breath, on each inhale, say (out loud or in your head), “Return.” On each exhale, say, “to your rest.” Repeat until you feel calm.


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