
How do you balance responding to needs and responsibilities in your life with your need for rest?

Read Mark 6:30-44.

Leading up to this story, Jesus and his disciples have been traveling, teaching, and healing. Jesus has just heard the news that his cousin, John the Baptist, has been beheaded by Herod. He recognizes that they all need to get away and take a break. They need rest and rejuvenation to energize them for continuing the mission. They set off to a quiet place, where the incredible level of need follows them. Rather than rest, they spend the day teaching, tending to need, and feeding the crowd. So much for rest.

How do you balance responding to needs and responsibilities in your life with your need for rest? How much priority do you give to allowing yourself downtime? What is life-giving and restorative to you? How does practicing time away reconnect you with God and with what you believe to be God’s mission for your life?

In prayer today, commit yourself to setting aside a sabbath time in the next week – whether it be an entire day or just a few hours.


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