Sink or Swim

Recognizing Jesus, Peter stepped directly into the stormy sea.

Read Matthew 14:22-33.

“The wind was actually boisterous, the waves were actually high, but Peter did not see them at first. He did not reckon with them, he simply recognized his Lord and stepped out in recognition of him, and walked on the water. Then he began to reckon with the actual things, and down he went instantly. Why could not our Lord have enabled him to walk at the bottom of the waves as well as on the top of them?…We step right out on God over some things, then self-consideration enters in and down we go…Immediately you look at [circumstances and] you are overwhelmed, you cannot recognize Jesus, and the rebuke comes: ‘Wherefore didst thou doubt?’ Let actual circumstances be what they may, keep recognizing Jesus, maintain complete reliance on him.” ~ Oswald Chambers


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