Stagnant Water

In this reading, the Lord contrasts living water with the stagnant water that seeps out of a cracked cistern.

Read Jeremiah 2:4-13.

In verse 13, speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord contrasts living water with the stagnant water that seeps out of a cracked cistern. God’s people have access to the life-giving, refreshing water of God’s care, provision, and guidance. Instead, they have chosen to worship gods who are not really gods. They have sacrificed the values and ethics of God’s kingdom for ‘something that does not profit’ – for allegiances that steal life, joy, gratitude, and peace.

Take an inventory of the way you spend your time today. What activities or conversations are life-giving and refreshing? Which are draining or disappointing? Which ones turn you towards God and which turn you toward pride, ego, and selfishness? Which ones create more openness within, and which cause you to close yourself off?

In prayer, ask for a heart ready to receive the living water that God offers.


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