Tempted Towards Goodness

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit draws us towards having the mind of Christ.

Read Romans 8:1-11.

Here, Paul is saying that the cares of the world will always be seeking our attention, but because of what Christ accomplished on the cross, we can instead, turn our attention towards the new life that is offered to us. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit draws us towards having the mind of Christ, but that is always held in tension with the human parts of us that lure us towards instant gratification, power, and pride. Our salvation does not mean we don’t have the same temptations, but we now have the power of the Holy Spirit within us tempting us towards goodness, gentleness, kindness, compassion, and humility.

What are the worldly temptations with which you struggle? How does the Spirit help to turn your attention away from those temptations and towards more spiritually healthy thoughts and behaviors?

In prayer, ask the Spirit to empower you to turn from earthly temptations.


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