The Holy City

Look for signs that God’s kingdom is already in play in the world around you.

Read Psalm 48.

Here, the psalmist celebrates the signs that the prophetic vision of a holy city grounded in peace, justice, and compassion is being made real in Jerusalem (referred to in this psalm as Zion). Jesus gave us a vision for what this might look like when he talked about the kingdom of God, which he said is right at our doorstep.

We do our part in making the kingdom of God a reality when we extend care and mercy to the lonely, the lost, the outcast, or the “least of these”. We become partners with God when we speak words of peace and healing, when we work towards reconciliation, when we commit ourselves to seeing and loving people in the same way God does. We participate in God’s kingdom when we concern ourselves with the well-being of our neighbors and challenge ourselves to continue expanding our understanding of who that includes.

Today, make a concerted effort to look for signs that God’s kingdom is already in play in the world around you. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s ongoing kingdom-building and for each of the signs you have noticed.


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